About Us

Our mission and vision is to give some work with proper training to all backward people and poor people of West Bengal and India. And also handing them a nice infrastructure so that they feel completely healthy. We do not charge any money for job training or health services.

Global Coverage for Work

Our aim is to make the world's backward people self-reliant.

Global Coverage for Health

Our further objective is to make the backward people of the world health conscious.

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Our Activity

Little Data About Us

Here are the count of our members with their reviews and a small glimpse of what projects we have coming up.

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+91 98323 05126


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Member's Reviews

Our History

Jalpaiguri Swavimaan Rural Reconstruction and Youth Empowerment Society works since 2016

Worldwide Service

Currently we are working only in West Bengal but our target is India and in future all over the world.

Make all Self-Reliant

Our primary objective is to make all the backward people self-reliant through their handiwork through job training at free of cost.

Make all Health-Reliant

And also our another objective is to provide direct free treatment to all our members to keep them fully healthy.